White card course

Construction business is quite comprehensive so the professional officials involved at any stage of this field must be skilled, trained, and aware of his current and future surroundings. For this purpose, certain prohibitory and applicable rules are devised by higher construction supervisors to keep everyone safe and sound with no vulnerabilities. White card course is also one such training program introduced in the construction industry for the people like civil labors, supervisors, managers, architects, and traders available at the excavation or construction scene. The main reason behind the general induction of construction permit is the inspection of the competencies of construction professional on how well they know their job, how able they are to deal with construction adversities and hazards, how well they escape casualties and emergencies. On the other hand, defensive driving course is a training session that is related to driving and the talent driver must have to in order to pursue defensive approach during moving any fast speedy vehicle like truck or car. Many of the beginner drivers are assured to have been tested with defensive skills while driving, as it is a guarantee for the driver himself and surrounding premises.

White card course

Construction process cannot be initiated once the people present are checked for their white card issuance. This can only be achieved if the laborers and high construction officials have trained in and pass their practical examination test in white card course. The possession of this card means that the appointed construction staff and co-team are well-aware of the situations that can be seen during any emergency at construction site. White card course means that one is enable to carry out construction functioning with full security of themselves, colleagues, building materials, equipment, and other items available at the scene.

Defensive driving course

Responsible, careful, alert, and defensive driving is highly important for new as well as expert drivers. Therefore, defensive driving course is quite commonly attained by potential drivers. This training imparts a sense of new perspective to view the pathway of road. This helps driver to gauge the possible dangers out there on roads and the unstable driving of other contemporaries. Some of the major departments in which defensive driving course plays an impeccable role are observation, traffic rule understanding, vehicle control, safety, and driving techniques.

If a person is skilled and values the importance of defensive mode of driving, he/she is always safe on road and is never accountable for any sort of minor or major accidents or crash. Alertness, foresightedness, and quick judgment are the capabilities of a defensively driven driver. No aggression is ever involved in the driver’s behavior following defensive driving.


White card course is the training session for the construction civil workers and their higher official team members on how to conduct safety and security at construction scene. Defensive driving course is responsible and slow mode way to drive a vehicle, promising self and others safety.